Tuesday, November 8, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Crafts Tutorial E-Book Giveaway

Hi everyone! I am finally done with the revision of my 12 Days of Christmas E-Book (1st Edition). It's time to celebrate! yay! So starting today until the 15th of this month, I am hosting my 12 Days of Christmas E-Book Giveaway Contest.

Both the 1st Edition and 2nd Edition E-Book are compact with great holiday projects and step-by-step photo instructions. 

12 Days of Christmas Crafts Tutorial E- Book 2nd Edition
12 Days of Christmas Crafts Tutorial E- Book 1st Edition

First Prize :  FREE  12 Days of Christmas E-Book (2nd Edition)
2nd Prize: FREE 12  Tutorials  from the 12 Days of Christmas (1st Edition)
3rd Prize: FREE 6  Tutorials  from the 12 Days of Christmas (2nd Edition)

What do you need to do to win this? You just need to do the ff: 

1. Be a follower of my blog Jinky's Crafts 

2. Post or put on your sidebar a picture of one of the Jinky's Crafts E-Book giveaway on your blog or facebook page and link it back to Jinky's Crafts 12 Days of Christmas E-Book.  You can just copy and paste the HTML code below for your sidebar. 

<a href="http://www.scrapreneur.com/second-edition-12-days-of-christmas-craft-tutorials/"><img src="http://www.scrapreneur.com/blog/wp-content/themes/shopperpress/thumbs//LowHomepageChristmasCrafts.png" style="width:98%;" /></a>


  <a href="http://www.scrapreneur.com/second-edition-12-days-of-christmas-craft-tutorials/"><img src="http://www.scrapreneur.com/blog/wp-content/themes/shopperpress/thumbs//HomePageUpperBlockCraftBookCover.png" /></a>

3. Leave a Facebook comment below the Jinky's Crafts 12 Days of Christmas E-Book page . Please make sure to scroll down all the way to the bottom. Just tell what is your favorite  among the 12 projects. 

Once you have done this, simply leave one comment with your email address below. 

The winners will be announced on the 15th  of this month ( November) 

PS. if You are interested to host a blog candy/giveaway, please email me @ jinky@jinkyscrafts.com

P.PS. if You are also interested to know the Profit Sharing Program for all my E-Books, please send me an email as well. 

Thanks a lot for all your support! 


  1. I can always use more tutorials! Thanks for a chance.
    terriavidreader at yahoo dot com

  2. Love the new e-book.Very easy to use,great tutorials.


  3. I would really like to try the tutorials in your ebooks. The one I like is Santa Pants Treat Box with Drawers PDF Tutorial. Thanks for offering such a great prize. Kindest regards. Kendell

  4. I believe I've done it all Jinky - Now I want to create it all from your E Books! Thanks so much for offering us all an opportunity to help you sell your books and also receive a gift if our/my name is pulled.


  5. Love all of your wonderful creations I have completed all of your steps above thanks for a chance to win
    maryellen at myway dot com

  6. Wow thanks a lot for this great oportunity to win the E-book, I hope has a chance because all the christmas projects looks so cool!! Thanks again! Hugs.. Maggy


  7. ljkmurphy@hotmail.comNovember 13, 2011 at 7:04 PM

    I love your site it is really inspiring to me. I was wondering if I was the only CC fan and it"s really great to learn I am not. Thanks for the inspiration and awesome tutorials. Lara M.

  8. Wow Jinky...congrats on the new book!!! The exploding cupcake purse looks amazing...thank you for the chance to win!

  9. Thanks a lot for taking the time to play along! Congratulations to all the winners!
    1st Prize: Maggy_Tronche
    2nd Prize: Mary Ellen
    3rd Prize: Lind W.

  10. Hi. I am from Brazil and I would like to know if you are sponsoring your 12 Days of Christmas blog candy this week on blog http://carlaprediger.blogspot.com/2011/11/um-candy-muito-especial-very-special.html

    Thanks and I wait your answer.

    e-mail crieartezzanato@yahoo.com.br
